A warm welcome to Collin Byrne and Matthew Hill who are now our dealers for Techno Metal Post of Rochester LLC.
Collin lives in Walworth, N.Y., with his wife and their two young daughters. Growing up, he gained construction experience working for his father's home remodeling company, which specialized in decks, additions, kitchens, and bathrooms. Later, he spent a few years working for a real estate development company, where he was exposed to larger-scale projects. He’s been a firefighter for many years and is now looking to slowly transition to a new career when he retires from the fire department. Collin first met Matt at the fire academy and says he learned about TMP’s products through his friendship with Matt.
Matt, originally from the Albany area, is a dad to two daughters, one in college and the other in grade school. He has a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from SUNY ESF in Syracuse and a minor in Business Management. His background in construction began in 2001, when he first started working in residential framing, then went on to start his first business in snow removal and general construction in 2006. Five years later, he met Collin while they were both training to become firefighters at Utica.
Matt told us he first learned about TMP’s helical piles through his good friend Will Reagan of TMP Albany. He started using our piles in 2009 for his construction projects and said, “I quickly became a huge fan because of the benefits they offered.” With a desire to start a business in his 40s, Matt saw an opportunity to work with Collin and bring a new TMP dealership to Rochester. The two joined forces after realizing there was a need in the area, and the rest is history!
Techno Metal Post would like to congratulate them on their new journey together, which combines their professional experiences and strong friendship to create a successful dealership in Rochester, N.Y.
WITH TECHNO METAL POST, IT'S FAST AND EASYTechno Metal Post makes life easier for anyone with a construction project that requires a foundation in almost any type of soil.