This depends on the size of the deck- the bigger the project, the more piles will be required. The rule of thumb is to maintain a spacing of 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3 meters) between the piles. It also makes a difference whether the deck is attached to an existing structure or free-standing.
If the deck were attached to a house, it would require fewer piles since the existing structure would take on a portion of the load. However, for a free-standing deck, more piles would be needed.
- A 10' x 10' deck that is attached to a house needs 2 TMP helical piles.
- A 10' x 10' free-standing deck needs 4 TMP helical piles.
Before starting your project, please don't hesitate to contact a professional to obtain more information and ensure you comply with construction standards.
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